Magdalena Marchocka's profile

Zao Coffee


Run and created by two passionate people, Sara & Mikołaj, Zao is roasting coffee locally in Szamotuły, brewing it, educating about it, and celebrating it. 

The journey starts with a small red coffee fruit. Each fruit, and later each coffee bean is different. Zao embraces the journey and uniqueness of each coffee they roast.​​​​​​​

Traditional outfits for maidens and wives inspired the labels of two local blends: Szamotulanka (a woman from Szamotuły) and Siekierka (literally: an ax, metaphorically: a very strong coffee).

The visual identity was created at Rebell Studio, where I was responsible for the logo, the blobby illustration style, drawing illustrations and choosing typography. After going freelance I continue to work with Zao on their brand, creating new labels and designs. 

Photos: Zao Coffee
Thank you! 
Zao Coffee


Zao Coffee
